O papel da internet das coisas (IoT) nas práticas da manufatura agil: uma análise da interação do modelo conceitual de manufatura ágil com as categorias de aplicativos da IoT
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Bego, Lalesca Lopes
Mattos, Cláudia Aparecida de
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BEGO, Lalesca Lopes. O papel da internet das coisas (IoT) nas práticas da manufatura agil: uma análise da interação do modelo conceitual de manufatura ágil com as categorias de aplicativos da IoT. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2021. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.31414/EE.2021.D.131353.
Texto completo (DOI)
internet das coisas,manufatura ágil,agilidade
A dinâmica dos negócios tem passado por constantes mudanças nas últimas décadas, devido
alterações nas condições de mercado, mudança nas exigências dos clientes e transformação da
competição de mercado local para mercado global. Com isto, fez-se necessário remodelar os
paradigmas de produção, procurando por práticas que permitam um ambiente de fabricação
mais flexível e ágil. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o papel da
tecnologia IoT para o viabilizar as práticas da Manufatura Ágil e entender como as empresas
estão integrando os conceitos da manufatura ágil e Internet das Coisas. De forma a atingir este
objetivo, foi realizado um estudo de multicasos em cinco empresas que estão aplicando a
tecnologia Internet of Things em seu chão de fábrica. O resultado desta pesquisa mostra que
empresas de diferentes portes estão buscando na tecnologia uma forma remodelar seus negócios
e garantir a competitividade, e este processo de transformação digital parte da tecnologia base,
que é a Internet das Coisas. Há casos de aplicação da IoT a nível de processo, aplicando esta
tecnologia apenas em um ou alguns estágios do chão de fábrica, mas também há exemplos de
aplicações em toda a planta, e em ambas estratégias foi possível observar benefícios no tempo
de resposta ao mercado, capacidade de personalização, custos de fabricação, flexibilidade,
performance operacional, dentre outros, que são aspectos importantes para melhorar os níveis
de agilidade de uma companhia, viabilizando as práticas da Manufatura Ágil.
The dynamics of business has leading with constant changes in recent decades, due to changes in market conditions, changes in customer requirements and the transformation of competition from local to global markets. So, it was necessary to remodel the production paradigms, looking for practices that allow a more flexible and agile manufacturing environment. In this context, this study aims to analyze the role of IoT technology to enable Agile Manufacturing practices and understand how companies are integrating the concepts of agile manufacturing and Internet of Things. In order to achieve this objective, a multi-case study was carried out in five companies that are applying the Internet of Things technology on their shop floor. The result of this research shows that companies of different sizes are looking at technology as a way to remodel their businesses and ensure competitiveness, and this digital transformation process starts from the base technology, which is the Internet of Things. There are cases of application of IoT at the process level, applying this technology only in one or a few stages of the shop floor, but there are also examples of applications throughout the plant, and in both strategies it was possible to observe benefits in the time of response to the market , personalization capacity, manufacturing costs, flexibility, operational performance, among others, which are important aspects to improve a company's agility levels, making Agile Manufacturing practices feasible.
The dynamics of business has leading with constant changes in recent decades, due to changes in market conditions, changes in customer requirements and the transformation of competition from local to global markets. So, it was necessary to remodel the production paradigms, looking for practices that allow a more flexible and agile manufacturing environment. In this context, this study aims to analyze the role of IoT technology to enable Agile Manufacturing practices and understand how companies are integrating the concepts of agile manufacturing and Internet of Things. In order to achieve this objective, a multi-case study was carried out in five companies that are applying the Internet of Things technology on their shop floor. The result of this research shows that companies of different sizes are looking at technology as a way to remodel their businesses and ensure competitiveness, and this digital transformation process starts from the base technology, which is the Internet of Things. There are cases of application of IoT at the process level, applying this technology only in one or a few stages of the shop floor, but there are also examples of applications throughout the plant, and in both strategies it was possible to observe benefits in the time of response to the market , personalization capacity, manufacturing costs, flexibility, operational performance, among others, which are important aspects to improve a company's agility levels, making Agile Manufacturing practices feasible.