Posicionamento estratégico de novos produtos com inovação tecnológica:um estudo de caso
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Lui, M. de L. C.
Oliveira, Braulio Alexandre Contento
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Posicionamento (Publicidade),Marketing
No atual cenário competitivo algumas decisões estratégicas de marketing são fundamentais para a sobrevivência das empresas. O consumidor é exposto diariamente a milhões de informações sobre novos produtos e serviços, novas marcas e novas empresas, mas conquistar um lugar privilegiado na mente desses compradores é uma tarefa muito discutida no ambiente acadêmico e empresarial, pois pode gerar vantagem competitiva. Questões relacionadas à variável posicionamento geram diversas contraposições e pontos de vista em função de forças emergentes dinâmicas originárias das novas demandas que afetam o ambiente de marketing. O posicionamento pode ser discutido como continuidade do processo de segmentação e as abordagens sobre diferenciação de produto são de relevante importância. O marketing para produtos inovadores devido a sua singularidade deve ser compreendido e debatido intensamente , pois os fatores críticos de sucesso quando há tecnologia envolvida ainda não são totalmente compreendidos. O desenvolvimento e lançamento de novos produtos com inovação tecnológica exigem esforços e utilização de recursos e planejamento sistemático para evitar perdas tangíveis e intangíveis das empresas. O setor de telecomunicações no Brasil vem sofrendo uma evolução exponencial relacionada a novas tecnologias, novos consumidores, novos fornecedores e movimentações estratégicas dos principais competidores na busca pela sobrevivência. O objetivo deste trabalho é colaborar com o correto entendimento sobre posicionamento de novos produtos com inovação tecnológica neste setor, para tanto, o estudo de caso aplicado a alguma empresa de telefonia fixa no estado de São Paulo pretende trazer luz as questões que podem subsidiar a correta tomada de decisão estratégica
In the current competitive scenery of some strategic decisions of the marketing are basic to survival the companies. The consumer is daily exhibitor for millions of information about new products and services new brand and new companies to get a privileged place in the mind of the purchasers, it's a very discussion task in the academic and enterprise, because can produce competitive beneficial affairs about a variety position and many oppose and points of view in function of emergency dynamic forces originary of new claim that effect the marketing place the position can be discussed as a contineu of the process of following about the affairs the difference of the product are of high importance. Marketing for new products because of the singularly must be understood and debated strongly because the critic success. When there is a technology involved they aren't totally understood. The development and incident of new products with technology innovation to try hard demand helpful os resources and systematic plans to avoid tangible unintangible loses of the companies. The telecommunication section in Brazil has been suffering and exponential evolution connected with new technologies, new consumers, and new suppliers and strategic of movements of main competitors in search for survival. The objective of this work is collaborate with the correct sense about the stanfing of new products with technologic innovation in this section however the study of this hardworking to any technology company installed in the stake of São Paulo, intend to bring sucess to this affairs that can subsidiary a correct placve of strategic decision
In the current competitive scenery of some strategic decisions of the marketing are basic to survival the companies. The consumer is daily exhibitor for millions of information about new products and services new brand and new companies to get a privileged place in the mind of the purchasers, it's a very discussion task in the academic and enterprise, because can produce competitive beneficial affairs about a variety position and many oppose and points of view in function of emergency dynamic forces originary of new claim that effect the marketing place the position can be discussed as a contineu of the process of following about the affairs the difference of the product are of high importance. Marketing for new products because of the singularly must be understood and debated strongly because the critic success. When there is a technology involved they aren't totally understood. The development and incident of new products with technology innovation to try hard demand helpful os resources and systematic plans to avoid tangible unintangible loses of the companies. The telecommunication section in Brazil has been suffering and exponential evolution connected with new technologies, new consumers, and new suppliers and strategic of movements of main competitors in search for survival. The objective of this work is collaborate with the correct sense about the stanfing of new products with technologic innovation in this section however the study of this hardworking to any technology company installed in the stake of São Paulo, intend to bring sucess to this affairs that can subsidiary a correct placve of strategic decision