Contribuição do planejamento para obter vantagem competitiva nas firmas de autopeças no Brasil
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Buttner, A.
Zambaldi, Felipe
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BUTTNER, A. Contribuição do planejamento para obter vantagem competitiva nas firmas de autopeças no Brasil. 2011. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário Fei, São Paulo, 2011. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 1 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Planejamento estratégico,Concorrência
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar por que algumas firmas têm lucratividade superior à de outras, ou por que algumas têm capacidade de reagir com maior velocidade às mudanças do mercado do que outras, atuando na mesma indústria. Para esta análise foi usado dois constructo, planejamento estratégico e vantagem competitiva. Neste trabalho foi assumido que que para uma firma ter vantagem competitiva ele terá que ter desempenho econômico será superior ao dos seus concorrentes que atuam na mesma indústria. Na fase inicial foram usados para revisão bibliográfica artigos acadêmicos nacionais e internacionais e livros de autores renomados para explicar os tópicos: (a) planejamento estratégico; (b) vantagem competitiva; e (c) desempenho. Na terceira fase do trabalho foi analisado o contexto da pesquisa, incluída uma visão da indústria automobilística e da indústria de autopeças e sua evolução nos últimos dez anos. Para terminar esta fase do trabalho, foi analisado o relacionamento entre a indústria automobilística e a indústria de autopeças, utilizando-se os dados disponíveis em dois sindicatos: Sindipelas e Anfavea. A metodologia foi analisada na quarta fase do projeto, definindo-se os passos da pesquisa e o questionário. Nele, utilizou-se perguntas já usadas e validadas por pesquisadores de renome internacional. O envio dos questionários foi feito por meio eletrônico, e para sua compilação foi usada uma planilha do Excel. A validação dos resultados foi obtida por método estatístico, usando escala Likert de cinco pontas. Na última fase deste trabalho foram analisados os resultados e relatadas as considerações finais.
The objective of this work was to verify why some firms have higher profitability than others, or why some firms have capacity of reacting with more speed to the market changes than others firms, acting at same industry. For this analysis were used two constructors, strategic planning and competitive advantage. In this work was assumed that for a firm has a competitive advantage, it will have to have a superior performance than your competitors that act same industry. For initial phase was used to the bibliographic revision, national and international academic articles and author's renowed books, to explain the topics: (a) strategic planning; (b) competitive advantage; and (c) performance. at third phase in this work, it was analyzed the research context, including an overview of automotive industry and automotive parts industry, and its evolution in the last 10 years, to conclude this work phase, its was analyzed the relationship entity the automotive industry and automotive parts industry, using available data in two unions: Sindipeças and Anfavea. The research methodology was analyzed in the fourth project phase, defining the research steps, and the questionnaire, using questions that already had been used and validated by researchers of international reputation. The questionnaire was sent by electronic way and for its compilation was used the spreadsheet Excel, the results validation was done by statistic method, using a Likert scale with 5 pints. The last phase of this work was analyzed the results and explain the considerations.
The objective of this work was to verify why some firms have higher profitability than others, or why some firms have capacity of reacting with more speed to the market changes than others firms, acting at same industry. For this analysis were used two constructors, strategic planning and competitive advantage. In this work was assumed that for a firm has a competitive advantage, it will have to have a superior performance than your competitors that act same industry. For initial phase was used to the bibliographic revision, national and international academic articles and author's renowed books, to explain the topics: (a) strategic planning; (b) competitive advantage; and (c) performance. at third phase in this work, it was analyzed the research context, including an overview of automotive industry and automotive parts industry, and its evolution in the last 10 years, to conclude this work phase, its was analyzed the relationship entity the automotive industry and automotive parts industry, using available data in two unions: Sindipeças and Anfavea. The research methodology was analyzed in the fourth project phase, defining the research steps, and the questionnaire, using questions that already had been used and validated by researchers of international reputation. The questionnaire was sent by electronic way and for its compilation was used the spreadsheet Excel, the results validation was done by statistic method, using a Likert scale with 5 pints. The last phase of this work was analyzed the results and explain the considerations.