Internacionalização das redes de franquias brasileiras: o processo de internacionalização conduzida
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Centro universitário FEI, São Paulo
Texto completo na Scopus
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Aguiar, H. de S.
Consoni, Flávia
As redes de franquias brasileiras estão entre as empresas que cada vez mais buscam mercados internacionais e exportam produtos e conceitos. Entre 2000-2012, o crescimento das redes de franquias que se internacionalizaram foi de 486%. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as motivações para a internacionalização das redes de franquias; o processo de preparação para atuar no exterior e, finalmente, avaliar se ocorreu algum ganho para a rede nesse processo. Como metodologia partiu-se de um estudo multicasos de caráter qualitativo. No ano de 2012, foram entrevistados de forma presencial executivos de 21 redes de franquias brasileiras com operações no exterior, que se somou à análise de documentos secundários relativos ao tema. Como achados, observou-se que um agente externo às empresas geralmente desencadeia o processo o que acaba mudando a estratégia das franqueadoras. A cultura da internacionalização não encontra-se arraigada nessas empresas. A falta de preparação e pouco ou nenhum conhecimento em negócios internacionais acabaram levando as redes a repensarem sua postura nesse novo mercado e houve um alto grau de adaptação dos produtos após as unidades estarem abertas. Também observou-se um ganho de aprendizagem decorrente do processo.
The Brazilian franchise networks are among the companies that are more and more searching for international markets and exporting products and concepts. Between 2000 and 2012 the Brazilian franchise networks that went international experienced a growth rate of 486%. The main goal of this study was to analyze the motivation behind the internationalization of the franchise networks, the process involving preparing the company to work abroad, and finally evaluate if there has been any benefit for the company throughout the process. As a methodology, we started from a qualitative type multi case study. In 2012, we personally interviewed executives from 21 Brazilian franchise networks that operate abroad in addition to analyzing other documents about the subject. As a result it was noted that the process that ends up changing the strategy of the franchisor is generally triggered by external factors to the company. The culture of internationalization is not deep-rooted in these companies. The lack of preparation and the little or no knowledge of international business ended up causing the networks to rethink their position in this new market and there was a high level of adaptation of the products after the business units were already working. We have also noticed the process caused the companies to learn from their experience
The Brazilian franchise networks are among the companies that are more and more searching for international markets and exporting products and concepts. Between 2000 and 2012 the Brazilian franchise networks that went international experienced a growth rate of 486%. The main goal of this study was to analyze the motivation behind the internationalization of the franchise networks, the process involving preparing the company to work abroad, and finally evaluate if there has been any benefit for the company throughout the process. As a methodology, we started from a qualitative type multi case study. In 2012, we personally interviewed executives from 21 Brazilian franchise networks that operate abroad in addition to analyzing other documents about the subject. As a result it was noted that the process that ends up changing the strategy of the franchisor is generally triggered by external factors to the company. The culture of internationalization is not deep-rooted in these companies. The lack of preparation and the little or no knowledge of international business ended up causing the networks to rethink their position in this new market and there was a high level of adaptation of the products after the business units were already working. We have also noticed the process caused the companies to learn from their experience
AGUIAR, H. de S. Internacionalização das redes de franquias brasileiras: o processo de internacionalização conduzida. 2013 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2013. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 ago. 2014.
Franquias (Comércio varejista); Globalização; Administração de empresas Brasil