Modelagem analítica de transistores SOI de canal gradual com porta dupla
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Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo
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Ferreira, Francisco Antonio Lunalvo Porfida
Pavanello, M. A.
Apresenta-se neste trabalho o desenvolvimento de um modelo analítico para transistores nMOSFET de porta dupla (Double-Gate - DG) com canal gradual (Graded-Channel - GC) fabricados em tecnologia Silício sobre Isolante (Silicon-On-Insulator SOI), válido desde o regime de inversão fraca até a inversão forte. A estrutura de porta dupla
permite o melhor controle das cargas no canal, resultando em menor ocorrência de efeitos de canal curto, inclinação de sublimiar próxima do ideal, maior corrente de dreno e maior transcondutância. A estrutura de canal gradual consiste na utilização de uma concentração de dopantes assimétrica na região de canal, ou seja, o canal é dividido em duas regiões com concentrações de dopantes distintas, cada qual com seu comprimento, sendo que a região
próxima ao dreno possui a concentração de dopantes menor, o que minimiza o campo elétrico perto do dreno. Unidas, estas estruturas apresentam uma série de características desejáveis a circuitos analógicos, como uma significativa melhora na condutância de dreno o que leva a uma maior tensão Early, proporcionando um maior ganho intrínseco.
Através do uso de modelos analíticos disponíveis na literatura para transistores de porta dupla, considerando uma estrutura equivalente representada por dois transistores de diferentes concentrações de dopantes ligados em série com portas curto-circuitadas, cada dispositivo simulando uma região do canal do transistor DG GC SOI nMOSFET, obteve-se um primeiro modelo da estrutura completa, de forma iterativa. Comparações entre este modelo iterativo e simulações numéricas bidimensionais demonstraram um excelente ajuste, com erro máximo de 11 %, obtido na curva de transcondutância em função da tensão de porta. Observou-se também que este modelo equivalente ofereceu ótimo ajuste quando comparado a resultados experimentais, com erro máximo de 7 %, novamente na curva de transcondutância. A partir da validação do modelo equivalente frente a resultados de simulação e experimentais,
este modelo foi utilizado como base para o desenvolvimento de um modelo analítico. O modelo analítico desenvolvido foi também comparado a simulações bidimensionais e resultados experimentais, apresentando um ótimo ajuste nas características de corrente de dreno versus tensão aplicada e suas derivadas, em todos os regimes de operação.
This work presents the development of an analytical model for double gate (DG) nMOSFET transistors with graded channel (GC) Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology manufactured, valid from weak inversion to strong inversion. The double gate structure allows optimum charge control in the channel, resulting in lower occurrence of short-channel effects, subthreshold slope close to ideal, greater drain current and greater transconductance. The graded channel structure consists in the use of the asymmetrical doping in the channel region, the channel is divided into two regions with distinct doping concentrations, each one with its channel length, and the area near the drain has the lowest doping concentration, what minimizes the electric field close to the drain. Joined these structures presents a series of desirable characteristics for analog circuits, as a significant improvement in the drain conductance that leads to greater Early voltage, providing greater intrinsic gain. Through the use of double gate analytical models available in the literature, considering an equivalent structure represented by two transistors with different doping concentration in series with short-circuited gates, each device simulating a DG GC SOI nMOSFET transistor channel region, one obtains a first model of the complete structure, in an iterative form. Comparisons between this model and iterative two-dimensional numerical simulations showed an excellent adjustment, with a maximun error of 11%, obtained in the transconductance as a function of the gate voltage curve. It was also observed that this model offered great equivalent adjustment when compared to experimental results, with a maximum error of 7%, again in the transconductance curve. From the validation of the model equivalent front of the simulation results and experimental, this model was used as a basis for the development of an analytical model. The developed analytical model was compared with bidimensional simulations and experimental results presenting an excellent adjustment in the characteristics drain current versus applied voltage and its derivatives, in all regimes of operation.
This work presents the development of an analytical model for double gate (DG) nMOSFET transistors with graded channel (GC) Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology manufactured, valid from weak inversion to strong inversion. The double gate structure allows optimum charge control in the channel, resulting in lower occurrence of short-channel effects, subthreshold slope close to ideal, greater drain current and greater transconductance. The graded channel structure consists in the use of the asymmetrical doping in the channel region, the channel is divided into two regions with distinct doping concentrations, each one with its channel length, and the area near the drain has the lowest doping concentration, what minimizes the electric field close to the drain. Joined these structures presents a series of desirable characteristics for analog circuits, as a significant improvement in the drain conductance that leads to greater Early voltage, providing greater intrinsic gain. Through the use of double gate analytical models available in the literature, considering an equivalent structure represented by two transistors with different doping concentration in series with short-circuited gates, each device simulating a DG GC SOI nMOSFET transistor channel region, one obtains a first model of the complete structure, in an iterative form. Comparisons between this model and iterative two-dimensional numerical simulations showed an excellent adjustment, with a maximun error of 11%, obtained in the transconductance as a function of the gate voltage curve. It was also observed that this model offered great equivalent adjustment when compared to experimental results, with a maximum error of 7%, again in the transconductance curve. From the validation of the model equivalent front of the simulation results and experimental, this model was used as a basis for the development of an analytical model. The developed analytical model was compared with bidimensional simulations and experimental results presenting an excellent adjustment in the characteristics drain current versus applied voltage and its derivatives, in all regimes of operation.
FERREIRA, Francisco Antonio Lunalvo Porfida. Modelagem analítica de transistores SOI de canal gradual com porta dupla. 2008. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário da Fei, São Bernardo do Campo, 2008 Disponível em: . Acesso em: 6 maio 2009.