Análise da resiliência de pavimentos de concreto quanto ao aumento da temperatura devido às mudanças climáticas
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Kamo, Adriano Massato
Rocha, Débora Monteiro da
Sanson, João Henrique Silva Romero
Oliveira, Rarielle Sousa de
Lima, William Santos
Rocha, Débora Monteiro da
Sanson, João Henrique Silva Romero
Oliveira, Rarielle Sousa de
Lima, William Santos
Cava, Felipe Hernandes
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Texto completo (DOI)
resiliência de pavimentos,extrapolação de dados climáticos,pavimentos de concreto,floor resilience,extrapolation of climatic data,concrete floors
Ao longo dos anos, observa-se o aumento dos efeitos decorrentes do avanço
das mudanças climáticas e aquecimento global. Da mesma forma, cada vez mais,
aumenta-se as intensidades e as frequências de eventos meteorológicos extremos,
sendo pontos de destaque as variações nas ondas calor e precipitações. Diversos
setores são impactados e, no âmbito dos transportes, considera-se que estas
variações climáticas influenciam diretamente as rodovias, ferrovias, aeroportos e
portos. Neste contexto, diferentes autores realizaram análises de pavimentos flexíveis
quanto às variações de temperatura, entretanto, os estudos para pavimentos rígidos
ainda são escassos. Dessa forma, este documento objetiva a análise da influência da
temperatura em pavimentos de concreto. Para isto, foram consideradas extrapolações
das variáveis climáticas temperatura, precipitação de chuvas e velocidade do vento a
partir de séries históricas, utilizando o Método de Holt-Winters, o dimensionamento de
pavimentos rígidos pelo Método da PCA 84 e a realização da análise estrutural
utilizando simulações no software EverFE e o Modelo de Fadiga. Após as análises,
observou-se que, até o ano de 2050, a temperatura média anual poderá aumentar em
cerca de 15%, o que impactará diretamente o desempenho dos pavimentos, visto que
o aumento das variáveis climáticas elevará o diferencial térmico entre o topo e a base
das placas de concreto, resultando em empenamento térmico, deformações nos
pavimentos e redução da vida útil dos mesmos. Para evitar estes efeitos é necessária
a utilização dos diferenciais térmicos anuais durante as etapas de dimensionamento
dos pavimentos. No entanto, observou-se que o método convencional atual não
considera os efeitos dos diferenciais térmicos para o dimensionamento das placas de
concreto e, como consequência, tem-se pavimentos subdmensionados. Assim, é
necessário que seja realizada a calibração das geometrias e espessuras mínimas
para o acumulado de fadiga aceitável dentro do período de projeto, visando a inclusão
dos impactos térmicos e agregando aumento da vida útil do pavimento em cerca de
45% do período de projeto.
Over the years, there has been an increase in the effects resulting from the advancement of climate change and global warming. Likewise, the intensities and frequencies of extreme meteorological events are increasing, with emphasis on variations in heat waves and precipitation. Several sectors are impacted and, in the field of transport, it is considered that these climatic variations directly influence roads, railways, airports and ports. In this context, different authors carried out analyzes of flexible pavements regarding temperature variations, however, studies for rigid pavements are still scarce. Thus, this document aims to analyze the influence of temperature on concrete pavements. For this, extrapolations of the climatic variables temperature, rainfall and wind speed from historical series were considered, using the Holt-Winters Method, the design of rigid pavements by the PCA 84 Method and the performance of the structural analysis using simulations in the EverFE software and the Fatigue Model. After the analyses, it was observed that, by the year 2050, the average annual temperature could increase by about 15%, which will directly impact the performance of the pavements, since the increase in climatic variables will increase the thermal differential between the top and the base of the concrete slabs, resulting in thermal warping, deformations in the pavements and reduction of their useful life. To avoid these effects, it is necessary to use annual thermal differentials during the design stages of the floors. However, it was observed that the current conventional method does not consider the effects of thermal differentials for the dimensioning of concrete slabs and, as a consequence, there are undersized floors. Thus, it is necessary to calibrate the minimum geometries and thicknesses for the acceptable fatigue accumulation within the design period, aiming to include thermal impacts and adding an increase in the useful life of the pavement by about 45% of the design period.
Over the years, there has been an increase in the effects resulting from the advancement of climate change and global warming. Likewise, the intensities and frequencies of extreme meteorological events are increasing, with emphasis on variations in heat waves and precipitation. Several sectors are impacted and, in the field of transport, it is considered that these climatic variations directly influence roads, railways, airports and ports. In this context, different authors carried out analyzes of flexible pavements regarding temperature variations, however, studies for rigid pavements are still scarce. Thus, this document aims to analyze the influence of temperature on concrete pavements. For this, extrapolations of the climatic variables temperature, rainfall and wind speed from historical series were considered, using the Holt-Winters Method, the design of rigid pavements by the PCA 84 Method and the performance of the structural analysis using simulations in the EverFE software and the Fatigue Model. After the analyses, it was observed that, by the year 2050, the average annual temperature could increase by about 15%, which will directly impact the performance of the pavements, since the increase in climatic variables will increase the thermal differential between the top and the base of the concrete slabs, resulting in thermal warping, deformations in the pavements and reduction of their useful life. To avoid these effects, it is necessary to use annual thermal differentials during the design stages of the floors. However, it was observed that the current conventional method does not consider the effects of thermal differentials for the dimensioning of concrete slabs and, as a consequence, there are undersized floors. Thus, it is necessary to calibrate the minimum geometries and thicknesses for the acceptable fatigue accumulation within the design period, aiming to include thermal impacts and adding an increase in the useful life of the pavement by about 45% of the design period.