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Artigo The adoption of e-business from a strategic perspective: The case of the Celta at General Motors Brazil(2005-01-05) ZILBER, S.N.; VASCONCELLOS, E.An historical examination of e-business strategy shows that many organisations have formulated excellent conceptual strategies for e-business but failed to deliver sound execution. A key to successful internet strategies is the leadership shown by senior management. Technological demands may also conflict with the successful implementation of e-business initiatives, requiring greater interaction between the CEO and the CIO. Many authors also reflect on the importance of incorporating e-business into the firm's global strategy. This paper deals with these issues in discussing the introduction of e-business activities by General Motors Brazil, specifically in connection with the launching of the Celta, an entry-level car designed for sale on the internet. This is the first such case in the world. The importance of integration between employees in the business area and those in information technology (IT) is highlighted in the context of GM Brazil's strategic objective of growing in the market for lower-priced cars. Copyright © 2005 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Artigo Auto-Atendimento versus Atendimento Pessoal no Setor Bancário: um estudo exploratório sob a ótica dos estudantes universitários(2005-10-05) PIRES, W.Este éumestudoexploratóriodosetorde serviços,mais especificamente do setor bancário. Nele procuramos levantar e mensurar, por meio de dimensões de qualidade (Aparência Física, Confiabilidade, Rapidez de Resposta, Segurança e Empatia), a satisfação em relação ao autoatendimento e o atendimento pessoal prestados neste setor. Este trabalho foi realizado levantando-se 16 tipos de serviços bancários, que são bastante comuns, para sabermos a relação de cada um com a preferência e satisfação dos respondentes, examinando quais são os motivos que levamos clientesbancários (representadosporumaamostra de estudantes universitários) a optar por uma ou outra forma de atendimento. Pudemos compreender e explicar fatores importantes inseridos neste ramo de serviço. Notamos também que a satisfação não está necessariamente relacionada com a preferência das pessoas, o que nos levou a deduzir que a insistência para a utilização do auto-atendimento fez com que os usuários acreditem que este seja o melhordosmeiosdeatendimento,declarando-se satisfeitos.Artigo Atitude do consumidor sobre medicamentos: cognitiva ou afetiva?(2006) HUERTAS;Melby K. Z.;HUERTAS, MELBY KARINA ZUNIGA;HUERTAS, M. K. Z.;Melby Karina Zúñiga Huertas;Zúñiga, Melby Karina Huertas;ZUNIGA HUERTAS, MELBY KARINA; URDAN, A. T.Artigo Social responsibility: a double corporative strategy?(2006) PEREIRA, Raquel da Silva; SOUZA, M. T. S.; VIEIRA, Sérgio dos SantosArtigo CHARACTERISTICS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM COMPANIES IN KIBS - KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE BUSINESS SERVICES(2006) Bernardes, Roberto Carlos; ANDREASSI, TalesArtigo Mudanças no papel das subsidiárias brasileiras - de onde viemos e para onde vamos?(2006-07-05) AMATUCCI, MARCOS; BERNARDES, ROBERTO CARLOSArtigo Competitividade da indústria aeronáutica: uma comparação internacional(2007) BERNARDES, Roberto Carlos;Bernardes, Roberto Carlos;BERNARDES, ROBERTOArtigo Imagens e metáforas do pensamento estratégico(2007) BERNARDES, ROBERTOArtigo Careers in the right beat: US jazz musicians' typical and non-typical trajectories(2007-01-01) Charles KirschbaumPurpose - Recent research has shed light on career trajectories outside enclosed organizations and linked individual careers to career fields. This article seeks to explore how individuals' trajectories are affected by structural changes in career fields. Design/methodology/approach - By exploring several jazz musicians' biographies, a typical trajectory is built. In contrast with this typical trajectory, alternative successful trajectories are investigated. Findings - The typical trajectory entails a successful introduction of a musician into a field, followed by increasing recognition among peers at jam sessions, stream of engagements and among critics. Consecration of one's public persona occurs in tandem with the institutionalization of one's personal style. These higher levels of "symbolic capital" grant continuous streams of engagements, which in turn are translated into higher levels of economic capital. As a musician achieves a dominant position in a field, inertial forces typecast him, impeding innovation, which leaves room for upcoming younger artists. This model is contrasted with deviant careers that proved to be successful due to structural changes in the field. As the legitimacy sources were no longer tightly coupled, musicians were able to undertake choices not prescribed by successful predecessors. The way individuals behave when facing field uncertainty reveals the enduring values underlying the employment and conversion of resources. Research limitations/implications - This research is based on qualitative research on jazz musicians' bios. Future research might further explore interpretative schemata applied by musicians facing career choices. Practical implications - Practitioners might find controversial and conflictive sources of legitimacy opportunities for taking up alternative career paths. Conversely, structural changes might help analysts to assess endurable patterns of individual strategic choices. Originality/value - The logics of jazz musicians' trajectories are assumed to be analogous to other industry careers. This analogy adds value to the study of careers in two ways: first, it contributes to understanding career patterns outside formal organizations; and second, it permits a multi-level analysis, where both individual trajectories and the field dynamics are interwoven. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Artigo Tropicalism: Strategic maneuvers in musicians' networks Tropicália: Manobras estratégicas em redes de músicos(2007-01-05) Charles Kirschbaum; VASCONCELOS, F. C. DEThis article aims to build bridges between three theoretical fields: Organizational Strategy, Social Networks, and Social Identities. By analyzing the networks of Brazilian musicians (interpreters and composers), we monitor the emergence of new styles, along with the structural changes in the network. Within the period in analysis, from 1958 to 1969, four musical styles emerge and consolidate: Bossa Nova, Jovem Guarda, MPB and Tropicália. We utilized Social Networks Analysis in order to grasp three dimensions of the field evolution: network evolution, creation of structural holes and transformation of actors' centrality. Internal confl icts in a field generate brokerage opportunities among groups separated by structural holes. These holes might be gradually bridged through incremental transformations in the artists' networks. As the emerging artists' infl uence increases, there is higher potential for the introduction of a new style and change of the field's classificatory system.Artigo Scatter search for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows(2007-11-05) BELFIORE, P. P.; FÁVERO, L. P. L.This work proposes a scatter search (SS) approach to solve the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows (FSMVRPTW). In the FSMVRPTW the customers need to be serviced in their time windows at minimal costs by a heterogeneous fleet. Computational results on 168 benchmark problems are reported. Computational testing revealed that our algorithm presented better results compared to other methods published in the literature. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.Artigo Apelos racionais e emocionais na propaganda de medicamentos de prescrição: estudo de um remédio para emagrecer(2008) HUERTAS;Melby K. Z.;HUERTAS, MELBY KARINA ZUNIGA;HUERTAS, M. K. Z.;Melby Karina Zúñiga Huertas;Zúñiga, Melby Karina Huertas;ZUNIGA HUERTAS, MELBY KARINA; Campomar, MarcosArtigo THE NEW ROLE OF SUBSIDIARIES FROM EMERGENT COUNTRIES IN THE INNOVATION IN MNC - THE CASE OF GMB(2008) AMATUCCI, Marcos; BERNARDES, Roberto Carlos;Bernardes, Roberto Carlos;BERNARDES, ROBERTOArtigo Modelo de decisão com múltiplos critérios para escolha de software de código aberto e software de código fechado(2008) MORAES, E. A.; SANTALIESTRA, RodrigoArtigo Building Competence for Product Development in Brazilian Subsidiaries Automotive Industry.(2008) AMATUCCI, Marcos; BERNARDES, Roberto Carlos;Bernardes, Roberto Carlos;BERNARDES, ROBERTOArtigo A reference business process for ecological niche modelling(2008-01-05) Santana F.S.; de Siqueira M.F.; Saraiva A.M.; Correa P.L.P.Ecological niche modelling combines species occurrence points with environmental raster layers in order to obtain models for describing the probabilistic distribution of species. The process to generate an ecological niche model is complex. It requires dealing with a large amount of data, use of different software packages for data conversion, for model generation and for different types of processing and analyses, among other functionalities. A software platform that integrates all requirements under a single and seamless interface would be very helpful for users. Furthermore, since biodiversity modelling is constantly evolving, new requirements are constantly being added in terms of functions, algorithms and data formats. This evolution must be accompanied by any software intended to be used in this area. In this scenario, a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an appropriate choice for designing such systems. According to SOA best practices and methodologies, the design of a reference business process must be performed prior to the architecture definition. The purpose is to understand the complexities of the process (business process in this context refers to the ecological niche modelling problem) and to design an architecture able to offer a comprehensive solution, called a reference architecture, that can be further detailed when implementing specific systems. This paper presents a reference business process for ecological niche modelling, as part of a major work focused on the definition of a reference architecture based on SOA concepts that will be used to evolve the openModeller software package for species modelling. The basic steps that are performed while developing a model are described, highlighting important aspects, based on the knowledge of modelling experts. In order to illustrate the steps defined for the process, an experiment was developed, modelling the distribution of Ouratea spectabilis (Mart.) Engl. (Ochnaceae) using openModeller. As a consequence of the knowledge gained with this work, many desirable improvements on the modelling software packages have been identified and are presented. Also, a discussion on the potential for large-scale experimentation in ecological niche modelling is provided, highlighting opportunities for research. The results obtained are very important for those involved in the development of modelling tools and systems, for requirement analysis and to provide insight on new features and trends for this category of systems. They can also be very helpful for beginners in modelling research, who can use the process and the experiment example as a guide to this complex activity. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Artigo As Dimensões da Atitude Frente à Propaganda de Medicamentos: Uma Descrição no Brasil e Avaliação de Escala(2009) HUERTAS; URDAN, A. T.Artigo Turismo e Regionalidade(2009) GIL, A. C.; OLIVA, E. C.; SILVA, E.C.;SILVA, EDSON COUTINHO DA;COUTINHO, E.Artigo Formação de competências para o desenvolvimento de produtos em subsidiárias brasileiras de montadoras de veículos(2009) AMATUCCI, Marcos; Bernardes, Roberto Carlos; Bernardes, Roberto CarlosArtigo Competências para o Desenvolvimento de Produtos em Subsidiárias Brasileiras de Montadoras de Veículos(2009) AMATUCCI, Marcos; BERNARDES, Roberto Carlos;Bernardes, Roberto Carlos;BERNARDES, ROBERTO