O potencial das reservas em hidrocarbonetos do pré-sal e os gargalos não tecnológicos da indústria nacional
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Vilaça, F. G. de A.
Moraes, Edmilson Alves de
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Gás natural Inovações tecnológicas Brasil,Óleo-IndústriaBrasil
Este estudo investiga como os agentes do tripé Governo - Indústria - Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa se relacionam para superar gargalos ou obstruções que impactam a competitividade da cadeia produtiva do setor offshore de Óleo e Gás Natural. A fundamentação teórica para o tema tomou por base os principais autores que versam sobre inovação enquanto um processo sistêmico, em especial Pavitt, Etzkowitz e Edquist por proporem modelos tridimensionais que assumem a criação de espaços de discussão e consenso para o relacionamento virtuoso entre os agentes do tripé. Com o objetivo de determinar como os fenômenos capital humano, capacitação empresarial e deficiências estruturais são percebidos por cada um agentes e se esses fenômenos representam os principais elementos que caracterizam os gargalos de competitividade da indústria local de produção de Óleo e Gás offshore um processo de pesquisa foi conduzido à partir do conceito PSM - Problem Structuring Methods e mais especificamente pelo emprego das metodologias de Mapeamento Cognitivo e Análise de Conteúdo. Um vasto material foi colhido, compilado, devidamente processado e ao se interpretar os resultados compreende-se o quão importante é darmos a devida atenção àos espaços de discussão e consenso propostos pelos modelos de Etzkowitz e Edquist para o sucesso de sistemas de inovação, uma vez que os resultados mostram que o há um descompasso sistêmico que afeta sobretudo a comunicação entre as partes.
This study investigates how the agents of the tripod Government - Industry - Research and Education Institutions establish the relationship to overcome bottlenecks or obstructions that impact the competitiveness of the Offshore Oil and Natural Gas supply chain. The theoretical basis for the theme was based on the authors who deal with innovation as a systemic process, especially Pavitt, Etzkowitz and Edquist for proposing three-dimensional models that assume the creation of opportunities for the virtuous discussion and consensus on the relationship among the agents of the tripod. In order to determine how the phenomena human resourses, business capabilities and structural deficiencies are perceived by individual each agent and whether these phenomena represent the main elements that determine the bottlenecks of competitiveness to the local supply chain for offshore oil and gas production. a research process was conducted through the PSM (Problem Structuring Methods) concept, and more specifically using the cognitive mapping and content analysis methodology. A vast amount of material was collected, compiled, processed and after properly interpret the results we understand how important is to give due attention to the discussion and consensus models proposed by Etzkowitz and Edquist for successful innovation systems, since the results demonstrate that there is a systemic imbalance that affects mainly the communication between the parties.
This study investigates how the agents of the tripod Government - Industry - Research and Education Institutions establish the relationship to overcome bottlenecks or obstructions that impact the competitiveness of the Offshore Oil and Natural Gas supply chain. The theoretical basis for the theme was based on the authors who deal with innovation as a systemic process, especially Pavitt, Etzkowitz and Edquist for proposing three-dimensional models that assume the creation of opportunities for the virtuous discussion and consensus on the relationship among the agents of the tripod. In order to determine how the phenomena human resourses, business capabilities and structural deficiencies are perceived by individual each agent and whether these phenomena represent the main elements that determine the bottlenecks of competitiveness to the local supply chain for offshore oil and gas production. a research process was conducted through the PSM (Problem Structuring Methods) concept, and more specifically using the cognitive mapping and content analysis methodology. A vast amount of material was collected, compiled, processed and after properly interpret the results we understand how important is to give due attention to the discussion and consensus models proposed by Etzkowitz and Edquist for successful innovation systems, since the results demonstrate that there is a systemic imbalance that affects mainly the communication between the parties.