Repositório do Conhecimento Institucional do Centro Universitário FEI

Engenharia Elétrica

URI permanente desta comunidade


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 10 de 15
  • Artigo 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Experimental Demonstration of Ω-Gate SOI Nanowire MOS Transistors' Mobility Variation Induced by Substrate Bias
    (2022) BERMAMASCHI, F. E.; RIBEIRO, T. A.; PAZ, B. C.; Michelly De Souza; BARRAUD, S.; CASSE, M.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello
    © 1963-2012 IEEE.This work investigates the carrier mobility variation in Ω-gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nanowire MOS transistors induced by substrate (or back) biasing. The analysis is carried out through experimental measurements and 3-D TCAD simulation, performed in n-type devices with variable fin width. Mobility enhancement is observed for lower back bias levels, due to the initial conduction through the Si-BOX interface, which presents higher mobility, prior to the activation of the front channel. As back bias is increased, however, the strong substrate-induced electric field in the back channel (BC) is responsible for worsening scattering mechanisms in the BC, such as surface roughness and acoustic phonon scattering, inducing mobility degradation. The effect is amplified as the fin width increases. For short-channel devices, the use of back bias was more beneficial for mobility due to a stronger mobility enhancement and lower mobility degradation.
  • Artigo 5 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Variability Modeling in Triple-Gate Junctionless Nanowire Transistors
    (2022-01-05) TREVISOLI, R.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; Rodrigo Doria; CAPOVILLA, C.E.; BARRAUD, S.; Michelly De Souza
    IEEEThis work aims at proposing an analytical model for the variability of the threshold voltage and drain current in junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is continuous in all operation regions and has been validated through Monte Carlo simulations using a physically based drain current model and 3-D numerical simulations. A discussion about the influences of each variability source based on the proposed model is carried out. Finally, the modeled results are compared to the experimental data for a fully physical validation.
  • Artigo 3 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    New Hybrid Generation of Layout Styles to Boost the Electrical, Energy, and Frequency Response Performances of Analog MOSFETs
    (2022-01-05) GALEMBECK, E. H. S.; Salvador Gimenez
    IEEEIt is known that the hexagonal (Diamond) layout style is capable of boosting the electrical performance and ionizing radiation tolerances of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs). In order to further improve the figures of merit of these devices, it was proposed a hybrid gate geometry that is an evolution of the hexagonal layout style, entitled Half-Diamond. This innovative layout style is able to generate the same electrical effects that the Diamond is able to generate, and it is innovative because it is capable of further reducing the effective channel lengths of MOSFETs implemented with Diamond and rectangular layout styles. Thus, this work describes a comparative study by 3-D numerical simulations data and experimental data between the MOSFETs implemented with the Half-Diamond and Conventional layout styles. The main results found have indicated that the saturation drain current and transconductance of MOSFET layouted with Half-Diamond are 36% and 27% higher, respectively, than those measured in the Conventional MOSFET. Other results have shown that the innovative half-diamond layout style (HDLS) for MOSFETs is capable of reducing the dissipated electrical power in approximately 62% and, therefore, it is an alternative hardness-by-design strategy to remarkably improve complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) energy efficiency. Besides, the electrical behaviors of longitudinal corner effect (LCE), parallel connection of MOSFETs with different channel lengths effect (PAMDLE), and deactivation of parasitic MOSFETs in the bird's beak regions effect (DEPAMBBRE) of the MOSFETs implemented with the HDLS are studied in detail to justify the results found.
  • Artigo 93 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Surface-potential-based drain current analytical model for triple-gate junctionless nanowire transistors
    (2012-01-05) TREVISOLI, R. D.; Rodrido Doria; Michelly De Souza; DAS, S.; FERAIN, I.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello
    This paper proposes a drain current model for triple-gate n-type junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is based on the solution of the Poisson equation. First, the 2-D Poisson equation is used to obtain the effective surface potential for long-channel devices, which is used to calculate the charge density along the channel and the drain current. The solution of the 3-D Laplace equation is added to the 2-D model in order to account for the short-channel effects. The proposed model is validated using 3-D TCAD simulations where the drain current and its derivatives, the potential, and the charge density have been compared, showing a good agreement for all parameters. Experimental data of short-channel devices down to 30 nm at different temperatures have been also used to validate the model. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Artigo 69 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Experimental comparison between trigate p-TFET and p-FinFET analog performance as a function of temperature
    This paper presents, for the first time, the experimental comparison between the p-type trigate FinFET and trigate p-TFET analog performances for devices fabricated on the same wafer. A careful analysis of the electrical characteristics is performed to choose the best bias conditions for the analog comparison between these devices. A higher intrinsic voltage gain is obtained for p-TFET devices because of their better output conductance, which is more than four orders of magnitude better than the one obtained for p-FinFET transistors at the same bias conditions from room temperature up to 150° C. © 1963-2012 IEEE.
  • Artigo 19 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    A New Method for Series Resistance Extraction of Nanometer MOSFETs
    (2017-07-05) TREVISOLI, R.; Rodrido Doria; Michelly De Souza; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; CASSE, M.; REIMBOLD, G.; FAYNOT, O.; GHIBAUDO, G.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello
    This paper presents a new method for the series resistance extraction in ultimate MOSFETs using a single drain current versus gate voltage characteristic curve. The method is based on the Y-function curve, such that the series resistance is obtained through the curve of the total resistance as a function of the inverse of the Y-function. It includes both first-and second-order mobility degradation factors. To validate the proposed method, numerical simulations have been performed for devices of different characteristics. Besides, the method applicability has been demonstrated for experimental silicon nanowires and FinFETs. Apart from that, devices with different channel lengths can be used to estimate the mobility degradation factor influence.
  • Artigo 6 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Analytical Model for Low-Frequency Noise in Junctionless Nanowire Transistors
    This article aims at proposing a compact analytical model for the low-frequency noise (LFN) of junctionless nanowire transistors (JNTs), operating at different bias conditions and temperatures. The model is validated through tridimensional numerical simulations, accounting for different trap configurations, as well as devices with different channel lengths, nanowire widths, and doping concentrations. Experimental results of short-channel junctionless transistors have also been used to demonstrate the model's applicability and accuracy.
  • Artigo 5 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    LCE and PAMDLE Effects from Diamond Layout for MOSFETs at High-Temperature Ranges
    (2021-08-05) GALEMBECK, E. H. S.; Salvador Gimenez
    © 1963-2012 IEEE.This article presents, for the first time, a study about of behavior of the intrinsic effects from diamond layout style [longitudinal corner effect (LCE) and PArallel connection of MOSFETs with Different channel Lengths Effect (PAMDLE)] for metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) influenced by wide high-temperature ranges. These effects are capable of boosting the electrical performance of analog MOSFETs in relation to that of the standard MOSFET (rectangular gate shape). First, we have developed an experimental comparative study between MOSFETs implemented with the hexagonal layout style diamond MOSFET (DM) and its rectangular MOSFET (RM) counterpart, regarding that they present the same channel width and gate area, operating in a wide high-temperature range (from 300 to 573 K). These devices were manufactured with the technology of bulk complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) of 180 nm. The experimental results have shown that DM has obtained a better electrical performance of analog MOSFETs than the one observed in RM counterpart (for example, gains of 67% for saturation drain current and 90% for the transconductance), regardless of temperatures in which they were exposed. 3-D numerical simulations were used to justify the better electrical performance of DMs due to the LCE and PAMDLE effects, in relation to one of the RM counterparts, by observing the behavior of electrostatic potentials, longitudinal electric fields, and drain current densities of the devices as the temperature increases. Besides, a study about the short-channel effect has shown that DM can suppress this effect more effectively than RM at room temperature due to a smaller reduction in effective channel length of DM.
  • Artigo 36 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Substrate bias influence on the operation of junctionless nanowire transistors
    (2014) Trevisoli R.; Doria R.T.; De Souza M.; Pavanello M.A.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the substrate bias influence on the operation of junctionless nanowire transistors based on 3-D simulated and experimental results, accomplished by modeled data. The threshold voltage, the maximum transconductance, the subthreshold slope, the drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), and the ION/IOFF ratio are the key parameters under analysis. It has been shown that the negative back bias can reduce the short-channel effects occurrence, improving the ION/ OFF ratio and DIBL. © 1963-2012 IEEE.
  • Artigo 21 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Analytical model for the dynamic behavior of triple-gate junctionless nanowire transistors
    (2016) Trevisoli R.; Doria R.T.; De Souza M.; Barraud S.; Vinet M.; Pavanello M.A.
    © 2015 IEEE.This paper presents an analytical model for the intrinsic capacitances and transconductances of triple-gate junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is based on a surface-potential drain current model, which includes shortchannel effects, and accounts for the dependences on the device dimensions, doping concentration, and quantum effects. It is validated with 3-D Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) simulations for several device characteristics and biases as well as with the experimental results.