Departamento de Matemática
URI permanente desta comunidade
Artigo Fine Mode Aerosol Composition in Three Long Term Atmospheric Monitoring Sampling Stations in the Amazon Basin(1994) GERAB, F.;GERAB, FÁBIO; ARTAXO, P; YAMASOE, M A; MARTINS, J VArtigo Transformações lineares planas: um estudo com base nos registros de representação semiótica e na utilização da geometria dinâmica(2009-06-05) KARRER, Monica; JAHN, A.P.Este artigo apresenta um estudo relativo ao ensino e à aprendizagem da noção de transformação linear. Baseados em considerações teóricas sobre registros de representação semiótica e aprendizagem em Matemática, foram realizadas análises de livros didáticos e de um questionário aplicado a oitenta e seis estudantes universitários da área computacional. Estes estudos apontaram deficiências com relação ao uso dos registros numérico-tabular e gráfico de uma transformação linear. Utilizando a metodologia de design experiment,foram elaboradas e aplicadas atividades envolvendo diversas representações de transformações planas, nos ambientes Cabri-Géomètre e papel&lápis. Os principais resultados deste experimento são aqui relatados, destacando-se o papel do softwareutilizadoArtigo A Utilização de Software Educacional em Sala de Aula e a Mudança nas Atitudes dos Alunos em Relação à Matemática(2010) BARROS, LUIZ G. X.; JESUS, M. A. S.;JESUS, MARCOS ANTONIO SANTOS; PEQUENO, V. A.Artigo Relationship between working capital management and profitability in brasilian listed companies(2011) Ching, H.Y.; NOVAZZI, A.; GERAB, F.;GERAB, FÁBIOArtigo As Atitudes em Relação à Matemática e O Desempenho em Cálcluo Diferencial e Integral de Alunos de Engenharia(2012) JESUS, M. A. S.;JESUS, MARCOS ANTONIO SANTOS; TACACIMA, J.Artigo Retas e planos no R3 : um experimento de ensino utilizando recurso computacional(2012) Lemke, Maria de Fátima Santos; KARRER, M.- Analysis of sustainability reports and quality of information disclosed of top brazilian companies(2013) CHING, Hong; GERAB, Fábio; TOSTE, Thiago HenriqueThe objective of this research is to examine the quality of information disclosed from a sample of Brazilian listed companies, using a multidimensional construct based on economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. The research design combines both quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative approach is used in the content analysis procedure and the quantitative is employed for statistical analysis. The target population consists of top 36 sustainable companies (ISE) and 24 with corporate governance practices (NM) in 2011. We find that 37% of the companies achieved score above 0.5; 30% between 0.26 and 0.5 and 33% scored below 0.25, being score zero the worst and one the best score. The best company scored 0.896 and the worst of the 60 companies scored 0.0167. Overall our statistical results confirm that ISE companies tend to disclose more information and in a more adequate way than NM, and in general, the companies are reporting the content in all the three dimensions with same quality level. Furthermore, companies from Infrastructure sector present better quality content reported when compared to Service companies. We conclude that a good sustainability report is directly related to the good content in all the tree dimensions, regardless the economic sector and these reports still have a big room for improvement, which echoes within the literature analyzed. Companies need to disclose their information in a more integrated way, addressing sustainability issues under the scope of business strategy.
- Análise das interações curriculares em um curso de ciência da computação: buscando subsídios para aprimoramento curricular(2014) GERAB, Fábio; BUENO, I. A. M.; GERAB, I. F. da S.O processo de mudança curricular deve estar alicerçado em evidências institucionais de mudanças. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetiva caracterizar e discutir as interações curriculares em um curso de Ciência da Computação a partir do desempenho dos alunos egressos. Os dados de desempenho foram submetidos à Análise de Componentes Principais e à Análise por Agrupamento Hierárquico para identificar eventuais correlações entre: o rendimento nas distintas disciplinas, a influência da classificação no exame de ingresso e o tempo necessário para a conclusão do curso. Observou-se a associação de disciplinas em nove grupos, com destaque para o agrupamento rotulado de “Básicas”, que interfere na duração do curso. Notou-se que o desempenho no vestibular perde sua importância no decorrer do curso. Compreender estas relações pode contribuir para a melhoria do curso de Ciência da Computação e favorecer o bom aproveitamento do aluno.
Artigo Relação entre o desempenho em física e o desempenho em outras disciplinas da etapa inicial de um curso de engenharia(2014) GERAB, F.; VALERIO, A. D. A.Artigo The Role of the Concept Maps in the Development of a Pedagogical Project of a Business Course(2014) TRENTIN, P. Henrique.; GERAB, F.; CHING, H. Y.- Scoring Sustainability Reports using GRI indicators: A Study based on ISE and FTSE4Good Price Indexes(2014) CHING, Hong; GERAB, Fábio; TOSTE, T.
Artigo Avaliação da Disciplina de Formação Didático Pedagógica em Saúde: a óptica do pós-graduando(2014) GERAB, I. F. S.; BATISTA, S. H. S. S.; SONZOGNO, M. C.; YAMASHIRO, C. G.; GERAB, F.;GERAB, FÁBIO; RUIZ-MORENO, L.- Stopping probabilities for patterns in markov chains(2014-03-05) GAVA, R. J.; SALOTTI, D.Consider a sequence of Markov-dependent trials where each trial produces a letter of a finite alphabet. Given a collection of patterns, we look at this sequence until one of these patterns appears as a run. We show how the method of gambling teams can be employed to compute the probability that a given pattern is the first pattern to occur. © Applied Probability Trust 2014.
- A different statistical approach aiming at EEG parameter investigation for brain machine interface use(2014-03-06) DE CASTRO, M. C. F.; Fábio GerabA lot of effort has been made to investigate EEG features that could better represent signal characteristics. The results are usually based on the best mean recognition rates and statistical analysis is done only when different methods are compared. In this work, we propose a new approach that applies multiple rate intercomparisons based on large samples aiming at detecting differences among treatments in order to recognize their importance for the classification rates. Ten frequency band compositions expressed by power spectral density averages were extracted from 8 EEG channels during 4 motor imageries, and spatial feature selections were also considered during the recognition process. Classification rate in large samples can be represented by a normal distribution and, for multiple rate inter-comparisons, the level of significance was corrected based on the Bonferroni Method. The variables were considered to be independents and the test was performed as non paired samples in a very conservative approach. The results showed that there are significant differences among cases of spatial feature selection and thus the considered electrodes are important parameters. On the other hand, considering or not the Delta and Theta bands along with different arrangements for Gamma band resulted in no significant difference. Copyright © 2014 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. All rights reserved.
- Uma análise das normatizações nacionais do século 20 para os cursos de formação inicial de professores de matemática da educação básica(2016) PEREIRA, Marcelo Dias; PIETROPAOLO, R. C.O artigo tem comoobjetivo apresentar uma análise das resoluções e pareceres que normatizaram os cursos de formação de professores para a Educação Básica, do século 20, especialmente os documentos relacionados aos cursos de formação inicial para lecionar Matemática nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio.Trata-se, portanto, de uma análise documental, de cunho qualitativo, na qual se pôde ter uma compreensão da trajetória da formação de professores no referido período, com vistas a analisar essa formação nos dias atuais.
Artigo - Group algebras of metacyclic groups over finite fields(2017) Assuena S.; Milies C.P.© 2016, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo.In this paper, we consider semisimple group algebras FqG of non abelian split metacyclic groups over a finite field. We give conditions for them to have a minimal number of simple components and find the primitive central idempotents of FqG in the case when the order G is equals pmℓn, where p and ℓ are different prime numbers.
- The quality of sustainability reports and corporate financial performance: evidence from Brazilian listed companies(2017) Ching, H.Y.; GERAB, F.; TOSTE, T.
- Sustainability reports in Brazil through the lens of signaling, legitimacy and stakeholder theories(2017-01-05) Ching, H. Y.; Fábio Gerab© 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited.Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to extend the applicability of stakeholder, legitimacy and signaling theories by examining to what extent proactive corporate social responsibility disclosures are interrelated to attempt to gain and maintain legitimacy, to gain support of the stakeholders and to reduce information asymmetry. Design/methodology/approach - To test the theoretical arguments, a longitudinal approach over a five-year period of 145 companies' sustainability reports and statistical analysis was applied to investigate the evolution of their quality. Findings - The results show a significant increase in the quality of sustainability reporting, and the experience gained while writing these reports can contribute to this. Based on signaling and legitimacy theories, this paper suggests that improvement in sustainability reporting quality acts as an important signal to gain legitimacy in case of information asymmetry during the legitimacy process. Th disclosure for economic and social dimensions is better than that of the environmental dimension, and the improvement in quality over time is the because of synergies and interlinkages more between these two dimensions of sustainability, and to a lesser extent because of the environmental dimension. Practical implications - Firms should view investing in sustainability reporting disclosure as a strategy for obtaining business legitimacy. Originality/value - The results of this paper are of interest for several reasons: extend and broaden the use of signaling in studying its use on sustainability reporting; the use of three theories is an appropriate framework for empirical analysis of sustainability reporting disclosure quality in Brazil; and add to the scarce evidence of sustainability reporting in Brazil.