Engenharia Elétrica
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/21
33 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Impact of series resistance on the drain current variability in inversion mode and junctionless nanowire transistors(2023-10-05) SILVA, L. M. B. DA; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; CASSÉ, M.; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Michelly De Souza© 2023 Elsevier LtdThis work analyzes the influence of source-drain series resistance variability over the drain current in junctionless and inversion mode nanowire transistors. A comparison between drain current and Y-function variability is presented using experimental data of nanowires with different widths and channel lengths. The source-drain series resistance variability is also presented. The results indicates that source-drain series resistance influence is higher on drain current variability for junctionless than inversion mode nanowire transistors.
- An Experimental Evaluation of Fin Width and Low-Temperature Influence on GIDL in Stacked SOI Nanowires(2022) Michelly De Souza; RODRIGUES, J. C.; MARINIELLO, G.; CASSE, M.; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello© 2022 IEEE.In this work, an experimental evaluation of the gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) of vertically stacked SOI nanowire (NW) FETs is carried out, as a function of temperature for the first time. It is shown that at room temperature, NW width decrease improves gate coupling favoring longitudinal band-to-band-tunneling, which increases normalized GIDL current. The increase of GIDL current with fin narrowing becomes more pronounced with temperature reduction. The influence of fin width has been evaluated, showing that GIDL variation with temperature depends on the device geometry.
- Analysis of Variability in Transconductance and Mobility of Nanowire Transistors(2022-08-22) SILVA, L. M. B. DA; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; CASSE, M.; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Michelly De Souza© 2022 IEEE.This work presents a comparison between the variability in junctionless nanowire transistors and inversion-mode nanowire transistors, looking at the transconductance, low-field mobility, linear and quadratic mobility degradation coefficients. To extract these parameters, the Y-Function method has been used. The obtained results shows differences in mobility and transconductance matching coefficients, indicating that mobility influence is not the only source of transconductance variation.
- Variability Modeling in Triple-Gate Junctionless Nanowire Transistors(2022-01-05) TREVISOLI, R.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; Rodrigo Doria; CAPOVILLA, C.E.; BARRAUD, S.; Michelly De SouzaIEEEThis work aims at proposing an analytical model for the variability of the threshold voltage and drain current in junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is continuous in all operation regions and has been validated through Monte Carlo simulations using a physically based drain current model and 3-D numerical simulations. A discussion about the influences of each variability source based on the proposed model is carried out. Finally, the modeled results are compared to the experimental data for a fully physical validation.
- Experimental Assessment of Variability in Junctionless Nanowire nMOS Transistors(2021-09-06) Michelly De Souza; BARRAUD, S.; CASSE, M.; VINET, M.; FAYNOR, O.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloIn this work, experimental assessment of the variability of threshold voltage and drain current in junctionless nanowire n MOS transistors is presented. Die-to-die variability of threshold voltage and drain current is presented and compared to inversion mode nanowire with the same dimensions. Although the junctionless nanowires have shown larger threshold voltage matching coefficients than inversion mode devices, the variability obtained experimentally has shown to be smaller than predicted by some simulations reported in the literature. Also, it has been shown that as the channel length of junctionless nanowire transistors is reduced, the current variability becomes smaller than in inversion mode nanowires, at the same current level and dimensions.
- The roles of the electric field and the density of carriers in the improved output conductance of junctionless nanowire transistors(2011-01-05) Rodrigo Doria; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; LEE, C. W.; FERAIN, I.; DEHDASHTI AKHAVAN, N.; YAN, R.; RAZAVI, P.; YU, R.; KRANTI, A.; COLINGE, J. P.This paper evaluates the roles of the electric field (E) and the density of carries (n) in the drain conductance of Junctionless Nanowire Transistors (JNTs). The behavior of E and n presented by JNTs with the variation of the gate and the drain voltages has been compared to the one presented by Inversion Mode (M) Trigate devices of similar dimensions. It has been shown that the lower drain output conductance exhibited by Junctionless transistors with respect to the IM ones is correlated not only to the differences in the mobility and its degradation but also to the electric field, the density of carries and the first order derivative of these variables with respect the drain voltage. ©The Electrochemical Society.
- Analysis of the low-frequency noise of junctionless nanowire transistors operating in saturation(2011-10-06) Rodrigo Doria; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; COLINGE, J.P.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThis work presented the LF noise behavior of nMOS JNTs investigated by experimental results. It was shown that JNTs can present either 1/f or 1/f 2 noises, depending on their operation region and the frequency. 1/f noise has been associated to carrier number fluctuations whereas 1/f 2 can be related to defects in the depletion layer. The W mask reduction degrades S Id at higher V GT (∼ 1 V) and present negligible influence on S Id at lower V GT (∼ 0.2 V). © 2011 IEEE.
- Surface-potential-based drain current analytical model for triple-gate junctionless nanowire transistors(2012-01-05) TREVISOLI, R. D.; Rodrido Doria; Michelly De Souza; DAS, S.; FERAIN, I.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThis paper proposes a drain current model for triple-gate n-type junctionless nanowire transistors. The model is based on the solution of the Poisson equation. First, the 2-D Poisson equation is used to obtain the effective surface potential for long-channel devices, which is used to calculate the charge density along the channel and the drain current. The solution of the 3-D Laplace equation is added to the 2-D model in order to account for the short-channel effects. The proposed model is validated using 3-D TCAD simulations where the drain current and its derivatives, the potential, and the charge density have been compared, showing a good agreement for all parameters. Experimental data of short-channel devices down to 30 nm at different temperatures have been also used to validate the model. © 2012 IEEE.
- Intrinsic gate capacitances of n-type junctionless nanowire transistors using a three-dimensional device simulation and experimental measurements(2012-09-02) MARINIELLO, G.; Rodrido Doria; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloJunctionless Nanowire transistors have been recently proposed as an alternative to overcome the short channel effect caused by the reduction of the transistors dimensions. These devices behave like a gated resistor due to the lack of the p-n junctions in the channel/ source and channel/drain regions. The influence of doping concentration, silicon width, silicon height and gate oxide thickness on the intrinsic gate capacitances are presented in this paper by using three-dimensional numerical simulations and experimental results of fabricated devices. Also the influence of the applied drain bias in the components of the intrinsic gate capacitances is addressed. © The Electrochemical Society.
- Application of junctionless nanowire transistor in the self-cascode configuration to improve the analog performance(2012-09-02) Rodrido Doria; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThe self-cascode (SC) configuration consists in a series association of two transistors with tied gates usually applied to improve the analog performance of MOS devices. This paper compares the analog parameters of single Junctionless transistors with the ones presented by self-cascode associations composed by two Junctionless devices with identical or different fin widths (symmetric and asymmetric, respectively). The transconductance to the drain current ratio, the Early voltage (VEA) and the intrinsic voltage gain (AV) have been evaluated for both single devices and SC structures. It has been shown that the SC configurations, specially the asymmetric ones, present a strong reduction of the drain conductance (gD) with respect to single devices, resulting in an increase of VEA and AV, which can be higher than 30 dB depending on the bias conditions. © The Electrochemical Society.