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Resultados da Pesquisa
- Impact of series resistance on the drain current variability in inversion mode and junctionless nanowire transistors(2023-10-05) SILVA, L. M. B. DA; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello; CASSÉ, M.; BARRAUD, S.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Michelly De Souza© 2023 Elsevier LtdThis work analyzes the influence of source-drain series resistance variability over the drain current in junctionless and inversion mode nanowire transistors. A comparison between drain current and Y-function variability is presented using experimental data of nanowires with different widths and channel lengths. The source-drain series resistance variability is also presented. The results indicates that source-drain series resistance influence is higher on drain current variability for junctionless than inversion mode nanowire transistors.
Artigo 8 Citação(ões) na Scopus Study of matching properties of graded-channel SOI MOSFETs(2008-01-05) Michelly De Souza; FLANDRE, D.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloIn this paper an overall analysis on the matching properties of Graded-Channel (GC) SOI MOSFETs in comparison to conventional SOI transistors is performed. Experimental results show that GC devices present poorer matching behavior in comparison to conventional SOI counterpart for equal mask channel length, whereas for same effective channel length, almost the same matching behavior. The analytical model for the drain current of GC devices is used to investigate the reasons for this matching worsening. Two-dimensional numerical simulations are used to validate the model-based analysis both in linear and saturation regions.Artigo 17 Citação(ões) na Scopus Thin-film lateral SOI pin diodes for thermal sensing reaching the cryogenic regime(2010-09-01) Michelly De Souza; RUE, B.; FLANDRE, D.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThis paper presents the performance of lateral SOI PIN diodes for temperature sensing in the range of 100 K to 400 K. Experimental results indicate that PIN diodes can be used to implement temperature sensors with high accuracy in cryogenic regime, provided that a suitable temperature range is chosen for calibration. Numerical simulations using Atlas two-dimensional simulator were performed in order to confirm this hypothesis and extend the analysis, verifying the accuracy of the existing model.Artigo 16 Citação(ões) na Scopus Temperature and silicon film thickness influence on the operation of lateral SOI PIN photodiodes for detection of short wavelengths(2011-09-05) Michelly De Souza; BULTEEL, O.; FLANDRE, D.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThis work presents an analysis of the temperature influence on the performance of a lateral thin-film SOI PIN photodiodes when illuminated by low wavelengths, in the range of blue and ultra-violet (UV). Experimental measurements performed from 100K to 400K showed that the optical responsitivity of SOI PIN photodetectors is affected by temperature change, being reduced at low and moderately high temperatures. Two-dimensional numerical simulations showed the same trends as in the experimental results, and were used both to investigate the physical phenomena responsible for the observed behavior as a function of the temperature as well as to predict the influence of silicon film thickness downscaling on the photodetector performance.Artigo 54 Citação(ões) na Scopus Impact of the series resistance in the I-V characteristics of junctionless nanowire transistors and its dependence on the temperature(2012-01-05) Rodrigo Doria; TREVISOLI, R. D.; Michelly De Souza; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloThe effect of the source/drain parasitic resistance (R S) on the I-V characteristics of Junctionless Nanowire Transistors (JNTs) has been evaluated through experimental and simulated data. The impact of several parameters such as the temperature, the fin width, the total doping concentration, the source/drain length and the source/drain doping concentration on R S has been addressed. The source/drain parasitic resistance presented by JNTs was compared to the one presented by classical inversion mode (IM) triple gate devices, showing opposite behavior with the temperature variation in IM triple transistors and JNTs. In the latter, a reduction on R S is noted with the temperature increase, which is related to the incomplete ionization. This effect inhibits the presence of a Zero Temperature Coefficient (ZTC) operation bias in the Junctionless devices.Artigo 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus Modeling of thin-film lateral SOI PIN diodes with an alternative multi-branch explicit current model(2012-01-05) LUGO-MUNOZ; MUCI, J.; ORTIZ-CONDE, A.; GARCIA-SANCHEZ, F. J.; Michelly De Souza; FLANDRE, D.; Marcelo Antonio PavanelloWe propose the use of an alternative multi-exponential model to describe multiple conduction mechanisms in thin-film SOI PIN diodes with parasitic series resistance over a wide operating temperature range, from 90 to 390 K. This alternative multi-exponential model can be used for semiconductor junctions which exhibit multiple conduction mechanisms with series and shunt resistances. Using Thevenin's theorem and the Lambert W function, the terminal current is expressed explicitly as a function of the terminal voltage. Its explicit nature allows higher computational efficiency and makes this model better suited for repetitive simulation applications than conventional implicit models. Additionally, direct analytic differentiation and integration are possible. This alternative model is used to describe the I-V characteristics of real SOI PIN diodes.Artigo 8 Citação(ões) na Scopus Drain current and short channel effects modeling in junctionless nanowire transistors(2013-01-05) TREVISOLI, R. D.; Rodrigo Doria; Michelly De Souza; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello© 2013, Brazilian Microelectronics Society. All rights reserved.Junctionless nanowire transistors (JNTs) are considered promising for the sub-20 nm era, since they provide a great scalability without the need for rigorously controlled doping techniques. In this work, the modeling of triple-gate JNTs is addressed, focusing on the short-channel effects. Analytical expressions for the subthreshold slope, threshold voltage roll-off and drain induced barrier lowering are presented. The model is validated using tridimensional numerical simulations.Artigo 0 Citação(ões) na Scopus The roles of the gate bias, doping concentration, temperature and geometry on the harmonic distortion of junctionless nanowire transistors operating in the linear regime(2014-05-05) Rodrigo Doria; TREVISOLI, R.; Michelly De Souza; ESTRADA, M.; CERDEIRA, A.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello© 2014, Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2014. All rights received.The linearity of Junctionless nanowire transistors operating in the linear regime has been evaluated through experimental data and numerical simulations. The influences of the fin width, the gate bias, the temperature, the doping concentration and the geometry on the overall linearity have been evaluated. The increase of the series resistance associated both to the variation of the physical parameters and the incomplete ionization effect has shown to improve the second order distortion and degrade the third order one.- Experimental Demonstration of Ω-Gate SOI Nanowire MOS Transistors' Mobility Variation Induced by Substrate Bias(2022) BERMAMASCHI, F. E.; RIBEIRO, T. A.; PAZ, B. C.; Michelly De Souza; BARRAUD, S.; CASSE, M.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Marcelo Antonio Pavanello© 1963-2012 IEEE.This work investigates the carrier mobility variation in Ω-gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nanowire MOS transistors induced by substrate (or back) biasing. The analysis is carried out through experimental measurements and 3-D TCAD simulation, performed in n-type devices with variable fin width. Mobility enhancement is observed for lower back bias levels, due to the initial conduction through the Si-BOX interface, which presents higher mobility, prior to the activation of the front channel. As back bias is increased, however, the strong substrate-induced electric field in the back channel (BC) is responsible for worsening scattering mechanisms in the BC, such as surface roughness and acoustic phonon scattering, inducing mobility degradation. The effect is amplified as the fin width increases. For short-channel devices, the use of back bias was more beneficial for mobility due to a stronger mobility enhancement and lower mobility degradation.
- High Temperature and Width Influence on the GIDL of Nanowire and Nanosheet SOI nMOSFETs(2023-01-05) Michelly De Souza; CERDEIRA, A.; ESTRADA, M.; BARRAUD, S.; CASSE, M.; VINET, M.; FAYNOT, O.; Pavanello M. A.AuthorIn this work, an experimental evaluation of Gate-Induce Drain Leakage (GIDL) current is presented for nanowire and nanosheet-based SOI transistors. The effects of fin width and temperature increase are studied. Obtained results indicate that the increase in device width makes the GIDL current more sensitive to temperature increase. Three-dimensional numerical simulations have shown that despite the reverse junction leakage increase with temperature, leakage current in nanosheet and nanowire transistors is composed predominantly of GIDL current. The change in valence and conduction bands caused by temperature increase favors the band-to-band tunneling, which is responsible for the worsening of GIDL at high temperatures.